What to do on GMAT exam day? This question looks rather straightforward. Just make sure you carry your passport and reach the test center well in time. No disputes on that. But, what I am talking about here is how to reach your peak on GMAT exam day.

I have seen umpteen examples of people scoring 50 points less than what they were getting in the mock tests. Most of those people simply say that their minds went blank during the exam. Well they are correct to some extent. It is true that mind may not work as well as it does on other days. So, the big question is how to make it work on the actual GMAT exam. Here are most effective tips for GMAT exam day:

  • Keep your mind relaxed the day before the actual exam. This includes keeping all the things such as passport ready the day before, making sure that you have all the things such as car, driver or cab arranged to reach the exam center at least an hour before the start of the test and doing absolutely nothing related to exam such as practicing questions. (Notice the parallelism in the long sentence above)
  • Practice 15-20 questions before the actual GMAT exam. I discovered this miraculous hack accidently some years back. A student approached me casually that she does not get good accuracy and timing in first few questions in the mocks. I suggested this technique to her without knowing that this would become a must do for years to come. If I have to give one suggestion to someone regarding GMAT exam day strategy, it will be this one. Practice equal number of questions from both quant and verbal.
  • Make sure that at the exam center, the seat and the computer that you would eventually use if fine and comfortable and your eyes are not strained because of unusually low light or otherwise. This may sound trivial but this may create lot of problems that could hamper your score.

The whole idea to write this article is to share some thoughts that would help you to perform at your peak level on the GMAT exam day. This would spare you the frustrations of scoring lower than what you were getting in mocks and of taking a second attempt.

You may reach out to me on Mohit@gmathub.com for any queries related to GMAT exam.

Thanks and good luck. 

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